
From eadd ilriwikis

See also: [|]

1.Butter Supply Chain - Tigray File:DVC-Butter Supply Chain-Tigray-ET-Embaye-2010.pdf

2.Capacity needs assesment - 2010 File:DVC-Capacity Need Assesment-ET-Jan-2010.pdf

3. Consumer Study - 2006 File:DVC-Consumer Study-ET-John-2006.pdf

4. Consumption patterns -LS-Products - File:DVC-Consumption Patterns-LS-Products-ET-Kibrom Ibrahim-2011.pdf

5.Consumption preference and quality File:DVC-Consumption Preference and Quality-Ada_a-ET-2008.pdf

6. Dairy Policy Inventory (Undated) File:DVC-Dairy Policy Inventory-Getachew Felleke-ET-Undated.pdf

7. Dairy Sector - Ethiopia File:DVC-Dairy Sector-ET-Getnet-2009.PDF

8. Formal Dairy Chain - Addis Ababa

File:DVC-Formal Dairy Chain-Addis Ababa-ET-Olga-2010.pdf

9. Hub Development Ethiopia File:DVC-Hub Development-ET-Olga-2010.pdf

10. Market Chain - south- Ethiopia File:DVC-Market Chain-South-ET-Woldemichael-2008.pdf

11. Milk and Milk Products File:DVC-Milk and Milk Products-Borana-ET-YONAD-Undated.pdf 12.Situation Analysis File:DVC-Situation-Analysis-Wolaita Sodo-ET-Berhanu et al-2011.pdf

13.Supply Chain Analysis File:DVC-Supply Chain Analysis-Addis Ababa-ET-WUR-2009.pdf

14.DVC Value Chain File:DVC-Value Chain-Woaita-ET-Berhanu-2012.pdf